Rock Art Kits

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Rock Art Kits

Paint Me A Rock!

Paint rocks with acrylic, it's a unique way to bond with nature.

It's a fun, easy and affordable way to paint with family, friends and colleagues. Choose from a variety of popular designs, including still life, animals, landscapes and more.

Rock Art Kits advantages are

• Complete Kit
• Fun arts and craft activity
• Perfect for beginner

Avni's Art has a step by step process that guides you through the creation of one of a kind piece of art. We create an exciting experience that is fun to do with your friends and family.

An experience that brings people together to create and share a beautiful piece of art.

Click buy in now button, or

Contact now at 508-250-8584 and find out more about Rock Painting Kits.

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"I love these online art classes. I am very very honored to have a teacher like Avni Aunty because she teaches very slowly, kindly, patiently ..."




"Thank you for teaching me all those new (painting) techniques. I will make more pictures using those techniques"




"I loved her painting classes during the lockdown"




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