Earn money for your business or organization through social and in-person painting events.
Can't paint but want to raise money for your organization or cause? We will set up at your location and enable a painting experience for a good cause. By holding a painting event with Avnis Art you can spread awareness for your cause or fundraiser.
The benefits of painting to raise funds are:
• Strengthen relationships and support
• Raise awareness about your cause
• Provide donor and sponsor recognition
• Build your donor base
• Pave the foundation for other forms of fundraising & engagement
Avni's Art is a platform that brings people together to paint online and to raise money for their favorite cause. We give you the pleasure of painting together with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, while you help a good cause.
We will provide you with
• Quality acrylic paints
• Canvass
• Brushes
• And lay-out tools
Paint from anywhere, and change lives.
Contact now at 508-250-8584 and find out more about Fundraising Events.