Calendar of Events

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Calendar of Events

Get Updated On Our Painting Activity And Schedule.

Plan ahead your schedule ahead of time so you can attend or class.

Join us for our Painting Class and make a painting of your choice! Our schedule is packed with popular art classes.

By keeping things updated you ensure that you are

• Getting the most of your lessons or Parties
• Plan ahead of time
• Keep updated when there is a change in schedule

Significant time saving for scheduling, rescheduling, and changing your event, no need to schedule the event with all your friends separately, you can do it with one click.

You can share your date with family or friends that live far away.

We will book a date that's best for you and your friends!

Contact now at 508-250-8584 and find out more to Schedule Your Events. 

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"I love these online art classes. I am very very honored to have a teacher like Avni Aunty because she teaches very slowly, kindly, patiently ..."




"Thank you for teaching me all those new (painting) techniques. I will make more pictures using those techniques"




"I loved her painting classes during the lockdown"




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